Coaching and Sense of Presence sessions

Coaching Sessions

In these sessions we might use tools such as breathwork, guided visualisation, sacred touch, shamanic transformation, emotional release and energy work to explore your experience of being, and to support you to reclaim aspects of self and to release patterns that no longer serve, such as stress, illness and dis-ease.

Initial sessions are for a minimum of two hours.

I now only offer these sessions as part of a programme to individuals and couples who are truly ready to engage all of themselves and to walk this path in truth.

To have an initial chat contact me here  or email me (


Sense of Presence Sessions

We are trained throughout our lives that we will succeed through the power of our minds – if we learn well at school then we will be successful in future careers, and then in our careers we are taught that we succeed by the power of our minds, by what we know, and what we remember and what we think.  So we tend to ignore the power of being in our body, of ‘gut instinct’ etc.  Alongside this we may not feel that our body is a safe place to be because of past experiences that have impacted our body. And sometimes we can lose ourselves in memories of the past or in imaginations of the future.

In these sessions we explore our relationship with the present, letting go of reaching into past or future, of reaching for that which is outside ourselves, and we explore what presence is; how it feels, tastes, smells, sounds and looks.  In these sessions we might use tools such as breathwork, guided visualisation and energy work to explore your experience of being exactly who we are right at this moment in time.

Initial sessions are for a minimum of one hour.  These are ideal sessions on their own or to precede a first session with me, for example one hour of Sense of Presence followed by a two hour tantra massage session.

To have an initial chat please contact me here  or email me (

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